Monday, October 20, 2008
Back in the Saddle

I've been thinking for a while about resurrecting this blog as a more literal translation of its name. "More will be revealed" by showing stuff that is part of my past and/or present, and talking about it, and by doing that...well, you get the idea. At least it will get me writing.
Exhibit A:
The gentleman above is Mr. Pickwick. He is some sort of collectible figurine, part of a small collection my step-step-grandmother started giving me about 15 years ago, maybe more. I don't know why she thought a guy in his early 20s would want a collection of ceramic heads, but that's what I got each Christmas for a while. Mr. Pickwick was the last remaining one I could account for; the fisherman, the Bedouin and the 1 or 2 others I can't recall and are long gone.
But Mr. Pickwick survived a long and arduous journey, from Silver Spring, MD, to Washington, DC, to New Jersey and then back here to me in California. At some point, he wound up in the glove compartment of my other grandmother's old Ford Tempo, which I had acquired from her with crazy low mileage in around 1995. I stopped driving it for a while, and a chipmunk or something set up a nest in the hood insulation. Or so my sister told me, when she took the car off my hands (with Mr. Pickwick still hiding in the glovebox). Kathy held on to him for a while, even as she changed cars. She would move her stuff to a new car, and Mr. Pickwick would go along.
Eventually, she probably started asking herself why this odd item was still in her car. And so she sent it back to me, years later. And Mr. Pickwick has rested on my dresser for a while...but now his time is over, and he is off to the great landfill in the sky.
Farewell, Mr. Pickwick. Your bizarre journey is symbolic of my own: ups and downs and multiple relocations, with intended long-term relationships being cut short, then new homes and connections being found.
Hmm...given the symbolism I'm going for, perhaps I should have held on to him...