Monday, February 28, 2005

More has been revealed...and her name is Lindsay

On Feb. 24, at 11:14 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, in room 17 of the labor & delivery section of Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley, Calif., Miss Lindsay Campbell Taggart joined the world. She's gorgeous, she's funny already, she's everything we could have hoped for...and she's finally here!

I'm determined to record thoughts and observations about the birth and the first days of Lindsay's life, but my ass is kicked right now. I should get about 94 minutes of sleep before the next round of breast feeding commences. Not that I'm as important a piece in that puzzle as mother and daughter, but I do play a vital role: official baby waker (breast milk is utterly intoxicating to a 4-day-old) and diaper changer (this role is combined because doing the latter accomplisheds the former).

Plenty of joyous and exhilirating moments already...and many more of the quiet moments too...the ones that strike you dumb with the love you feel for this little creature and with the complete beauty and peace and trust displayed in that sleeping little face.

Nicola -- you have once again overwhelmed with your strength and the inner glow that shines from your soul and makes everyone you meet the luckier for it. Lindsay is blessed to have you as her mother, and I'm in awe of you. Thank you for going through this experience with me and for giving us another daughter to love and fawn over and teach about root beer floats and the importance of rainbow sprinkles.

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