Monday, February 07, 2005

The trap

Remember this feeling -- what it feels like to call the credit card company to seek some accommodation for a small portion of your mountain of debt, and to be told there's nothing they can fact, they were kind enough to raise your interest rate recently due to the "whole picture"...meanwhile they increase your credit limit and send you checks so you can transfer more money to their card. I'm not sure who the bigger asshole is -- the company, for exacerbating the toilet bowl swirl of credit card debt, or me, for charging the cards up in the first place. From zero debt to a goddamn mountain in just 30 months!! Woohoo! Well done, laddy.

I've managed to make a real mess of it, but there's a bright spot to the misery...and it is the misery itself. The frustration and disgust and shake-your-head disappointment I feel in myself and where we are now are fueling some good changes. Yes, it's a mess, but it's our mess, and we've got our arms around the filthy beast and we're doing our best to wrestle it down, instead of just letting it roam around in our lives, shitting on everything. Not sure that extended analogy works, still -- we have assessed the situation, and we're taking steps to improve it, and fuck the credit card companies and fuck living beyond our means. We can do this, and I won't be neutered like this again by the money lenders.

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