Thursday, March 24, 2005


I'm not one to jump up and down and get outwardly involved in national issues -- political or otherwise. Just not my style, or motivation, or whatever. But the Terri Schiavo case finally got under my skin. I read this excellent rant on the topic, and then I sent the following to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist:
I've never felt compelled to contact a federal legislator before, but I must tell you that I find the involvement of the government in the Terri Schiavo case to be repugnant. This is a private family medical issue that has been appropriately handled by the courts. It is the utmost hypocrisy for conservatives to decry "big government" interference in people's lives but then turn around and interfere when they don't like how things are being handled (see Schiavo case, assisted suicide, etc.).The political grandstanding is disgusting, but unfortunately not surprising.
I read a quote from Frist, after the Supreme Court turned down the last last-minute appeal, and it really fried my fanny. I even know someone who works for Frist -- the wife of a friend of mine. Seems appropriate to mention, even if it is basically irrelevant.

Glad I got that off my chest.

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