Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day 1996: An Ode

I'm not sure how to describe March 17, 1996. I've often called it One of the Best Days of My Life, and I mark its passing each year with warm recollections shared among Gene, Dave and myself. Yet I fear that the actual description of it will tarnish it somehow, because the details -- in the harsh light of black Verdana on a white background -- are not particularly flattering to any of the participants.

Still, it was a great day, filled with camaraderie, spontaneous fun, a little craziness, a dash of recklessness, adventure, stamina, emotion and free-flowing libations. I'll give the highlights, with these caveats (warnings?): there was much drinking involved (as often happened in the DC salad days), there was driving with the drinking (not to mention while we drank, literally), there was excessive behavior of various sorts but nothing criminal, and did I mention there was drinking?

But let's focus on the gist:

I fondly recall March 17, 1996, in the same way, generally, that I look at my D.C. days overall: what a fucking blast, and what an irresponsible, unhealthy schmoe I was in so many ways. I was never heavier than I was then, I was never more financially derelict than I was then, I was never more careless with my drinking than I was then. And still -- god, I loved those days! Time has softened the sharp edges and made it feel more like the harmless fun of a 25-year-old with few responsibilities and fewer aspirations. As I think about it, I have more than my fair share of binge-type stories -- experiences that would come across in a similar way ("you did what?") and are really nothing to brag about. November 10, 2001 (Semper fi!). Key West on spring break. Dave Glenn's bachelor party (1998, Myrtle Beach). Going away party from Chapel Hill (July 1992). Lulu's (too many nights to think about). Preakness. These stories reside on the right side of the narrow difference between entertaining yarn and cautionary tale. It's easier to look at it this way when your shit is finally pulled together.

So, to everyone involved in the epic adventure of St. Patrick's Day 1996...but in particular, to Gene and Dave: thanks for the fun and the memories, and thanks for sticking it out with me so we can still reminisce about our crazy youth. We're all growed up now...just about (I'd still like to be in Boise!).

No worries, Bill, Verdana is far too elegant a font to tarnish such a spectacular day!

There isn't much I can add to this Ode, but just a thought or two. First off, your description of the flat tire I-95 scene is perhaps even funnier than it was in real life. All I can picture is one of those Capital One credit card commercials where the barbarians storm onto the scene. That was us!

On a more serious note, for me that day still serves as testimony to the power of decisions, how a fork in the road, one path followed, another not, can have such a profound impact on your life. We struggle with decisions all the time; some are good, some are not so good, some have no impact whatsoever, but on that one day, we enjoyed a magical run. Every choice we made just seemed to work out perfectly!

Which is a good segue to Boise. It would have been a great time, no doubt about it, but the right choices were made again, all the way around.
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