Thursday, May 19, 2005

Just met a girl

A quick "welcome to the world!" to Maria Larson, new daughter of my best pal Gene Larson and his wife Jimena Mendoza Larson. I send warm, nourishing, healthy thoughts your way, Maria, as you've arrived a bit on the early side. Maria clocked in down Houston way yesterday at 3 lb, 4 oz, about a month early. All is going well so far. And I send my support and love to Gene (mi hermano) and Jimena...who I'm sure are thrilled at your arrival but also a bit anxious. They are going to be awesome parents.

In the Taggart household, the Crib Campaign's fourth night was a bit rocky, as Lindsay unleashed another high-energy display of her displeasure at...well, who knows what. She peeled the paint and frazzled our nerves before The Swing did its pacifying magic. A return to the crib after that was actually successful, and Lindsay greeted me this morning at 6 a.m. with bright eyes and broad smiles. So, naturally, all is forgiven. But Lindsay's let's not make a habit of this, OK? It was fine going to the grocery store at 10:15 p.m. last night, although I prefer other times.

Lindsay is 12 weeks old today, and I feel like we have arrived at an in-between stage -- she's no longer the newborn who will sleep anywhere or anytime, but she's not quite old enough to be into a regular sleep routine. Each set of parents may view this differently, and there's as many books out there on infant care and sleep advice as there are "Closer" promos on TNT basketball games right now (which is to say endless). We are not parents who have Lindsay in bed with us or tote her around in some kind of sling all day. She does not get a breast in her mouth at the first hint of displeasure. We believe in swaddling, soothing, the pacifier, white noise and routine, even if Lindsay has not completely bought into all that right now. The Crib Campaign centers on helping Lindsay figure out how to put herself to sleep when she's sleepy, and sticking to some routines in getting her ready for nap and bed. Cosleepers and attachment parenters out there -- more power to ya. I can't sleep hardly at all with an 8 lb, defenseless, heat-generating bundle next to me...I end up bolting upright from a half sleep/half dream state, wondering where the baby is and if I smooshed her with a deadweight arm. And that's when she's NOT in bed with us!

I think I'm sounding a bit defensive. I'm not feeling that way...parents gotta figure out what works for them and their kind of kid, and then stick to it, and that's what we're doing. I know from firsthand experience with Ella that some hard work by the grown-ups to help improve a child's sleep habits pay big dividends. She's been a great sleeper pretty much ever since the ex and I went for it at five months. For our household, I am visualizing a happy, rested Lindsay, a happy rested Nicola who has some time during the day to take care of the non-baby things that make her fret, and restful evenings for all. It may sound selfish to say, but I miss my nights with Nicola. NO, not that way...I miss the regular opportunity to talk and connect and enjoy each other's company. That's part of having a new baby -- I know all too well what goes with that territory. But I'm still wistful and anticipating a return to more "normal" times.

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