Thursday, May 12, 2005

So she said

"You're not the boss of my feet." -- Ella to me, after I commented that her choice of green rain boots on a sunny day to go with her pink skirt was "interesting"...which one could interpret to mean that I disapprove or prefer her stuff matched. Which I do, but I need to let go of.

Lindsay's been better the last couple of nights, and I'm happy to say that I've been the one to put her to sleep. So my cold streak is not so cold. But I'm still pretty wiped, so here's a topic for future discussion: how to help your children be their own independent people by putting aside your own shit and predispositions. Me, I'm presdisposed to go with the flow and status quo...which leads me to select matching clothes etc. How great it is when Ella makes a choice outside the norms, or should I say my norms. And for god's sake, if a cute 5-year-old can't traipse around in a pink skirt and green rainboots, who can? She feels no self-conciousness, and that is a feeling to support and encourage.

Big weekend ahead! Tom and Phoenix are visiting, nice sunny weather is expected in the 80s, and MWBR! Plus a Sox game on Monday night vs. the A's, with tickets right by the visitors dugout.

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