Friday, May 20, 2005

You call this work?

I worked from home today, and really, no seriously, I did get some stuff done. I did a lot of work on the Academy's Web site in terms of getting the Washington Report archive more functional. Yes, BORING...but it's a living.

I also found time to dig through our CDs and pull out what I'm calling the "One and Done Collection" -- albums I bought primarily for one song and, for the most part, haven't listened to in about five years (or more). I selected the one or two decent songs from each, copied them on the laptop and burned a CD. God, we've come a long way since mix tapes...adding up the time of each song to see how to best fit them on a 90-minute tape with 45 minutes on each side...trying not to have lengthy delays between songs...writing the song titles on those tiny cassette inserts. I've got another post brewing about cassettes, but back to the "One and Done."

The most obscure would be...Geggy Tah? "Whoever You Are" is the catchy little ditty that persuaded me to buy this CD. Me and the band members' families, I think. Other winners: Midnight Oil, The Smithereens, Eve 6, Guster, Soul Coughing, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Matthew Sweet, Us3, Fun Lovin' Criminals, etc. Some more obscure than others. Many of the selections provide a snapshot of my random music wanderings from 1995-98. Boy, I was all over the place. I guess it beats my college cheesy metal days (again, another post).

Well, off to a quiet weekend!

Was "Dreamworld" the Midnight Oil song? I remember when my friend Keith Kadlec got back from a year studying in Australia, he would refer to them only as "The Oil." Apparently they're big stuff on their home turf. And no one drinks Foster's down there. (I think "Oil" made me think of "oil can," which caused me to mention Foster's.)
Dreamworld...hmm, doesn't ring a bell. "Beds are Burning" was first big hit in the US, I think. Midnight Oil was huge in Australia and they were into aboriginal rights and stuff like that. Peter Garrett...was that the name of the lead singer? Huge bald guy? I should so some research before I post this and look like an idiot.
I think "Dreamworld" was on the same album ("Diesel and Dust") as "Beds are Burning." It had a rather menacing refrain ("Your dreamworld is just about to end"). Yeah, the lead singer was very tall and bald and sort of scary-looking.
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