Thursday, September 29, 2005
Mother Nature smiled
Today was one of those "wow, look where we live" kind of days, when the sun is shining, the fog stays away and warm breezes blow through the Golden Gate. It was a day for a family ferry ride to meet Daddy at his office and have lunch just paces from the bay, on a sandy beach with dogs chasing sticks and hefty men sporting snug, metallic gold swimsuits. Ah, San Francisco -- where a beautiful Indian summer day invariably includes a homeless dude asking how much we'd sell the baby for.A beach-side picnic of In-n-Out, a cool new hat purchased by Nicola, a happy smiling Lindsay, a stroll down the Embarcadero to our homebound ferry. What a quiet thrill to know you are where you are supposed to be in life and in love, and to share such a day with the people most important to you. A day to be savored now, and remembered later...gently pulled from memory and turned over and admired.