Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It all adds up to anxiety

Baby with second tooth coming in + Baby nearly ready to crawl + Baby with a bad case of the wrigglies + 5-year-old who needs some entertaining - tired, anxious parents x 6 hours in a plane x lap child status for the aforementioned baby = ???

1) An enjoyable family outing across the country, full of eye-opening surprises
2) Hundreds of disgruntled fellow passengers, who've had their fill of us
3) Some of both of the above

I'd settle for #3, because that at least involves some good parts.

Well, anyway, we're off to NJ in the morning for my grandfather's memorial service. We'll get to see extended family, including my two little "brothers" -- ages 4 and nearly 2. Yes, Ella has two uncles who are younger than her, but no, surprisingly enough, my father and his fourth wife don't live in either Arkansas or Mississippi. It's a long story.

We have packed way too much for a five-day trip that really only includes three full days on the ground...but it's hard to pare down when you are traveling family style. Baby clothes are's the rest of Lindsay's crap that takes up so much blessed room! We've got monitors, and birdie-music-crib things, and backpack carriers, and stroller, and car seat, and toys, and so on. Ella is a more experienced traveler -- she arrived from her mother's with a packed backpack and a purse that includes a wallet (old credit cards inside), an old cell phone, mints, gum, writing implements and an actual real $20 bill. Still, her entertainment needs take up some space too.

I'll let you know how it went once we return next week. Until then...only 7.5 weeks of shopping time until Christmas!

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