Sunday, November 13, 2005

Let's begin again

I don't know who I'm writing for. I know I have a few people who read this sporadically...but do they really care or are they really entertained by my anecdotes about Ella's phone stuff or Lindsay's milestones or recollections of my experiences? I guess the answer is...I'm going to keep writing this for me, whether or not they ("you"?) are entertained. I'll write what inspires me and what moves me; I'll document things for future reference; I'll make an observation or two just to keep my own brain sharp. I find myself noticing things and thinking, "I should write about that" and then...I rarely do. But I should...this is for me...and anyone else who stumbles in, don't take it the wrong way that I'm saying "this is for me." It's a mechanism to make this exercise less about obligation and more about inspiration.

Today's topics: two random things. Tomorrow: N.J. weekend recap.

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