Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy anniversary

One year since I started writing in this blog. Time to reflect back...or not. We're heading off to Oregon this weekend for a memorial service, and our cab arrives at 6:15 a.m. tomorrow morning. So, off to bed we go. Early for us, kind of, but not as early as Lindsay has been going to bed this week -- 5 or 5:30 p.m.! No joke. We're trying to adjust to the daycare schedule and she's just wiped when she comes home.

Anyway, the only thing new to report is that I'm considering training for a marathon. Anyone who has done this care to weigh in?

Back Sunday...and let's all pull for the Tar Heels this weekend, who need a bit of help. And another thing...James Frey got his on Oprah today, or so I heard. I almost feel bad for the guy now. And another thing...I'm really digging the new show Love Monkey. Could be the man-crush I have on Tom Cavanaugh (spelling? I should know how to spell his name if I have a man crush on him, I suppose), but I also think it's funny, interesting, has good music, etc.

Your question begs me to respond to your entry. Are you already a regular runner? If not, don't bite off too much, too soon. Start out with 5ks, 10ks, 10 milers or a half marathon. Then, you will catch the bug and you won't be able to resist a marathon. If you decide to go ahead and bite off a marathon, I know you will have an inclination to do the Portland. I would advise against it and find a completely flat marathon. If I ever do one again, it will be flat . . . Chicago, Kiawah or maybe Marine Corps (I haven't checked its elevation, but I would think it would be flat).

If you decide to train, make it a priority. I was obsessive about making sure I got my runs in and I really think that was key.

You will need to dedicate two to four months to training. I trained for nearly six months and that was too long.

Good luck.
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