Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Life 1, me 0

Lindsay's cold/teething is more -- it's an ear infection. Which is a concern, given her microtia. I stayed home yesterday to help out, and her febrile wailings did much to disrupt our day. Which led to a funky, almost relaxed evening that should have been perfect for blogging...except our laptop slowed to an ooze after we installed some new stuff. Result: no post!

I've got a mountain of work ahead today, so I'll keep this brief and simply note what's happening in my media life these days:

Reading: Rats, by Robert Sullivan. It caught my eye at a bookstore in Berkeley. So far, pretty interesting. I just finished A Million Little Pieces...like millions of others, apparently, and no, I'm not surprised that James Frey might be a grade A bullshitter. Still a good read, but the intertwining of fact and fiction is not all that relevatory...I guess unless you've sworn up and down it's all true, as he as. His books, those of Augusten Burroughs, even David Sedaris -- don't we all tacitly acknowledge there must be some embellishment in order to make these work as narrative or humor or allegory? Doesn't mean I don't enjoy them, but I don't consider them gospel.

Listening: nano with various, but latest is Bloc Party, "Silent Alarm". I'm a musical tweener -- trying to keep up with new bands, but finding it hard to stay interested. U2, Beastie Boys, Barenaked Ladies, Green Day, Dillon Fence (shout out to Chapel Hill!)...all mixed up with Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand and Death Cab for Cutie. Similar to me and lots of other 30-somethings?

Magazines: we had Newsweek, Business 2.0 and Money coming in free for a while...now the subscription notices (nee pleadings) are flooding the mailbox. Which to renew? I hardly have time to read my Sports Illustrated each week (won't give that up).

Watching: Scrubs is back on -- sweet. Missed it last week due to our prolonged drive back from Oregon, but I'll be there tonight.

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