Friday, January 06, 2006


This morning I saw the Pier 39 Christmas tree getting stripped of its branches as the workers prepared to take it down. I swear I made note of this tree going up back around Thanksgiving, but I can't find the post anywhere. Hmm. Oh well. The long holiday season is now officially over I guess...or was it over for me when I saw candy Valentine's hearts on sale in a Portland grocery store on New Year's Eve?

I'm not sure how to approach this other notable thing that happened during my commute yesterday, so I'll just say it. I saw a man die. Right there, inside the BART car I was waiting to board, was a man lying on the floor with first regular people and then paramedics doing CPR. People were milling around and kind of watching and not watching at the same time. I hopped the first train out of the city I could (on the opposite track) and later heard from a BART station agent that the man died. There was no mention of the situation in today's Chronicle...I guess it's not noteworthy if the train delays were only 30 minutes or so.

One woman was heroically going at the CPR for several minutes, and when the paramedics arrived, she just kind of wandered off. She got on the same BART car I did leaving San Francisco, and I really wanted to offer her some validation -- like, "Hey, I saw what you did. Are you OK?" But she was 10 feet away from me in a car packed with people, and I couldn't make it happen. Good for her, though, and for the other good samaritans who tried to help.

A very surreal situation.

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