Friday, February 03, 2006
Culinary milestones
#1: Spoon to mouth

Yogurt and apple sauce from bowl to mouth, self delivered!
#2: eating an almond butter and jelly sandwich, just like a "big kid" (photo to be added later; I have not uploaded it yet and I'm feeling lazy)
The week's culinary lowlights include multiple throwings-up by our little Bean, who seems to be fighting a stomach virus. She -- and we -- slept right through one on Tuesday night; I think her crib resembled the Exorcist in the morning, if Linda Blair had consumed black beans and corn. Wednesday evening she really got going, and she has been not herself ever since. Mixed feelings -- she was never a cuddly, fall-asleep-on-your-shoulder kind of baby, so it's sort of nice that her sick little self now dozes with Mommy or Daddy. But it is so hard to see them sick. Aww!
Photos of better days: Lindsay and Miss Ella at the park a few weeks back (the girls start sharing a room this weekend!).