Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Dodging bullets

I didn't watch the State of the Union speech -- I can barely stand hearing Bush's voice for 10 second on the radio, let alone watch him grimace and smirk and act smug for more than an hour on TV.

I do know that my garage experiments to create a human-animal hybrid (a cat + a toddler = a self-cleaning rugrat) are now screwed. How did this ever get on the president's radar, dammit!

Mainly, I'm irked that this adminstration is only getting a fraction of the heat it deserves for totally fucking up our budget, our international reputation, our environment, our civil liberties, etc. Where are the special counsels, the Capitol Hill hearings, the outrage?

I can't say it better than this (lifted from the Washington Post):

Tim Grieve lets loose in Salon: "Again and again Tuesday night, the president said words aimed at obscuring hard truths and hiding the harsh reality that his administration has visited upon the American people. Bush talked about the importance of education for young people, ignoring the fact that his administration proposed the first cut in overall federal education spending in a decade. He talked of fiscal restraint and the need to be a good 'steward' of taxpayers' money, ignoring the fact that government spending has exploded on his watch and that he hasn't once exercised his veto to stop it. He talked of the need to wean the nation from its 'addiction' to foreign oil, ignoring the fact that that addiction had deepened as his administration resisted strict fuel-economy standards, proposed cuts in alternative energy programs and dismissed conservation as little more than 'a sign of personal virtue.'
"Bush said that all elected officials must 'never forget, never dismiss and never betray' their pledge to be 'worthy of public responsibility,' neglecting to mention that his administration lied to the American public about the Valerie Plame case and is stonewalling both Congress and the press on the Jack Abramoff scandal."

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