Monday, March 06, 2006

What I look at

Never again shall I live-blog a UNC-Dook game, for that is clearly the reason the Heels lost a few weeks back. How else to explain Saturday night's inexplicable upset at Dook on senior night? There I was, not blogging -- just watching the game with Ella and trying to explain to a six-year-old what "superstitious" means when I ask her to please sit on the same couch cushion where she was sitting when Carolina was playing its best. "I know it doesn't make sense that I somehow believe where we sit will make a difference in that game happening on TV, but I do, and that's why superstitions are irrational." "What does irrational mean?" And back we go to the dictionary, where I attempt to take Webster's words and translate them into kindergarten.

Ella was such a good sport, watching the game with Daddy. Carolina has moved into one of the three teams she likes, along with the Warriors and Cal. But she's still not fully brainwashed -- I suggested that she might go to UNC and she said maybe she should go somewhere that neither of her parents went so nobody got upset. A dozen years away, and she's already worried about her parents' feelings -- such a sensitive soul, that Ella.

Anyway, I've been less than inspired in this space recently. In that vein, I'll share what sites and blogs I regularly peruse, if you care: Ian Williams' blog Eric Gribbin's blog Dave Glenn on ACC sports Romenesko's obscure store Romenesko Nicola's blog blog on sports what's really happening in the bay area (and some of the rest of the Gawker empire)

I'm sure I'm missing some. I suppose I could just send you the link to my page, but that's not quite updated. I'm still getting used to the idea of putting all my favorites there. Web 2.0 hasn't quite overtaken my world.

And I do still get lots done...but why not enjoy the rich informational offerings of the Internet?

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