Monday, May 09, 2005

Welcome (redux)

Thanks to a link from blogging veteran and former college acquaintance over at, I would suspect that my readership expanded today beyond my Mom and my wife.

With that in mind, here's a quick rundown on me and what MWBR is and is not about (and where the name came from). (A useful exercise for me, readers or not, as I have a hard time figuring out what I'm doing here sometimes.)

You may find this blog interesting if you: come from divorced parents and/or have issues with your father; drank excessively in your 20s; went to North Carolina and/or hate Dook (see here and here, in part); have kids (in my case, Ella [5] and Lindsay [10.5 weeks] -- photos throughout); at one time obsessed about having your shoelace ends be of equal length (haven't discussed that yet); are a fan of the band Taggart Rocks; or are curious about obscure ear disorders. Perhaps there are other random topics I've covered that will interest you....

I make no promises to be topical, interesting or amusing to people beyond my immediate circle...or even to them. I started MWBR for my own purposes, to document the impending birth of Lindsay and to provide an outlet for my writing, which professionally is restricted to ophthalmology right now. Eyes really aren't that interesting, I'm sure you'd be surprised to hear.

I've tried not to filter my thoughts too much, which means I occasionally veer into territory that feels too personal to read (sorry, Mom). I'm not afraid to share it if you're not squeamish to read it. Everybody has skeletons in their closet -- mine tend more toward the irresponsible than the criminal (other than juvenile shoplifting), but I'm still digging in that closet and uncovering a few things, so who knows? I'm blessed to have by my side in real life my wife Nicola -- a beauty with a giving soul and an open heart who has an uncanny ability to touch people and make them feel loved and supported. (Happy belated Mother's Day, Nicola!). It is with her help the past three years that I've become more open emotionally, more honest with myself and others and more sure of what I want my life to be like. MWBR is an extension of that.

I welcome you and your comments.

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