Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thanks to Eric Abrams who has offered to give parents and older kids apresentation on getting ready for college on Thursday, March 16. Eric worksfor Stanford on their admissions team and we are very fortunate to have thisopportunity to hear him speak.
Um, my daughter turned six yesterday. I'm not quite ready to discuss college, OK? Great and all, but in an elementary school? How about tell me first how I'm ever going to be able to afford college for her...a state school even, let alone Stanford.
First, I'm going to tackle getting the training wheels off her bike. Maybe THEN we can think about college.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Big Days
Feb. 27, 2000, at 8:14 p.m. -- Ella Rose Taggart arrived into the world.
Makes for a busy time of year for her parents! Happy birthday to both my special little ladies.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Random does it again
Out I go at lunch to get some perspective and soak up the San Francicsco sunshine. Nano comes through like a champ, with a sublime string of musical randomness:
Smiths: There is a Light that Never Goes Out
Guster: Barrel of a Gun
Morrissey: Alma Matters
Rage Against the Machine: Wake Up
Salt-N-Pepa: Shoop
Ultra Violence: Metal Urbain
Me First & The Gimme Gimmes: Seasons in the Sun (punk cover)
Beastie Boys: Unite
What a blissful distraction on this bench just a few hundred feet from the SF Bay. Well played, nano, well played.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
But on the positive side, here is part of what had me distracted -- birthday celebrations! Ella turns 6 on Monday and Lindsay will be 1 on Friday. And the wild rumpus has commenced.

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Psycho T to the rescue
I've got something to post later, about our "night out" in San Francisco last week. But that will have to wait, as work beckons.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Bye bye Monkey
Unfortunately, no. "Love Monkey" is on hiatus, meaning it is dead. It was a bit contrived, but I liked the music angle, I liked the writing, and I'm both a Tom Cavanagh and a Jason Priestley (90210 was never the same after he left!) fan. Explain to me how "Life with Jim" is still on the air, and something like "Love Monkey" gets kneecapped after three episodes.
One other random note: I'm not too familiar with parochial schools, having been either a-religious or a Jewish hanger-on (see Taggart, Ella) for the past 10 to 20 years. Still, I found it amusing that in this day and age -- where your average BET video or beer billboard or myspace profile walks a fine line between poor taste and downright porn -- a local Catholic high school would be setting the clock back 50 years in mandating how students should behave at dances.
Exhibit 1:
Crap. I can't get the bitmap file to upload. Well, this isn't as interesting, but here's what it says.
Face to Face...with Space
- NO bending over and touching the ground
- NO straddling
- NO back to front or front to back
- NO sandwiching (3s, 4s or 5s)
- NO freaking/grinding
Somewhere, Kevin Bacon is excited: "Yes! 'Footloose' is still relevant even in 2006!"
Maybe it is exactly because of today's increased exposure of young people to sexuality that schools are doing this? Maybe I'm sounding like an old goddamn fart right about now?
Monday, February 13, 2006
Travel curmudgeon
I suppose I don't have much to complain about, considering thousands of people were stranded at airports yesterday due to the snowstorm in the Northeast. Well, they can complain on their own blogs.
Me -- I spent 13 hours in planes and in airports and 7 hours in a hotel...all for a 2.5 hour meeting at a Hyatt at DFW. Now that was a good use of my time. Some trenchant observations of my fellow travelers (fueled by tiredness and now a very frustrating day at work), observed in Oakland/Denver/Dallas:
- Hey, rednecks traveling in a six pack: asking if there are SIX UPGRADES available to first class on flight that is overbooked. Um, fuck no.
- Hey, lady who sat next to me and who clearly never flies: "What do you have?" to the flight attendant with the drink cart -- is that for real? This isn't a restaurant with an extensive wine list. Although, to my surprise, this particular jet carried Mountain Dew. Didn't see that coming.
- Hey, parents of that 8-year-old two rows ahead -- what's his deal? He's having a shrieking tantrum, sucking his thumb and hugging a blanket.
- Hey, hipster dude in the Red Carpet Club at the Denver airport: we are not in your living room. Please remove your hand from inside the waistband of your pants.
- Hey, clueless Dad behind me: your kids are screaming. Why can I hear this and you apparently don't care? And please, once we land, use your Inside Voice on your cell phone. It's a piece of electronic communications equipment, not a manual megaphone.
- Hey, Mr. Frequent Traveler: ah, the security line pat-down joke. That's classic! Keep them coming -- did you get a kiss goodnight? did the security person buy you dinner? are you going steady and didn't know it? was the cavity search surprisingly gentle? (I've made some of these jokes myself, and I hereby apologize to all bystanders who heard me. I'm so sorry, especially if you were as crotchety as me.)
- Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Outdoorsy Types in the gate area: must you remove your shoes? Is it now too much to ask to have people keep their shoes on in public?
I got through this minor travel ordeal with the help of Patton Oswalt and David Cross on my nano. Thanks fellas -- I'm sure I'm the object of wrath on someone else's blog, because I was laughing to myself so hard at times.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Ah, winter in San Francisco
I was feeling so good yesterday afternoon on my commute home, I had a "Love Monkey" moment. Not familiar with this feeling? Well, it is a new reference...just this past Tuesday, there was a riff on one of my favorite new TV shows (the aforementioned "Monkey") about confidence. The gist was that there are those days/moments when everything seems to be clicking, going your way, when your hat is on just right and your walk is smooth and your smile is broad. When the guy in the newsstand gets influenced by your cool.
Strolling down Market Street around 5 p.m. yesterday, I was feelin' all that. The weather was impeccable, I was in one of the world's great cities, I had The Roots "The Seed" playing on the nano (damn, that's an addictive tune), I was on my way home to see my beautiful wife and awesome daughters. The universe's tumblers just clicked into place, and I got One of Those Feelings. How wonderful those moments are, and how grateful I was for it, and for the elements that contributed to it.
If I haven't already lost you -- anyone else know what I mean by this looney description?
Looking forward to this afternoon too -- Nicola and Lindsay are on there way in, and we are going to stroll down Columbus Ave. through North Beach, maybe grab a bite to eat. We don't take enough advantage of our location, and it feels good to be a bit more "cosmopolitan" (if I can stretch the meaning of that word a bit).
Happy weekend to all.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Is that (fill in the blank)?
I've had other "hey, I know that guy" moments as well. There's John Bland, who I think I most recently saw as a realtor in an episode of The Office. And as the desk clerk in Bandits -- that's right. That was a Saturday afternoon TBS special encounter, I think.
The weirdest one was Jack Archey, who lived next door to me in Connor Dorm at Carolina and was called "Doc" for his obsession with Looney Tunes. He won a bunch of cash on Jeopardy and has tried to use his winnings to launch an acting/comedy career. I saw him on an insurance ad, completely out of the blue one day: "And we'll bus our own tables!" was his big line.
Well, good for them.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The morning after
Follow-up to last night's near-final comment on JJ Redick's three-point shot hand gesture -- it looked to me like it's The Shocker (careful -- adult content to follow). Not a very family-friendly gesture, but I'm sure nothing will be said about it because to highlight such a perverse things would be to 1) bring more attention to it; and 2) bring potential dishonor to the Goddamn High and Mighty Dook Blue Devils and JJ Redick Who Can Do No Wrong in the Eyes of Most Media People.
(Update, 11:20 a.m.: some validation: http://www.deadspin.com/sports/college-basketball/jj-redick-has-one-in-the-stink-153506.php)
I guess I'm looking for something to focus on -- even as trivial as a hand gesture -- to take my mind off the roller-coaster ride that ended in disappointment.
Why do we Tar Heel fans make so much of this rivalry? Why do we tie up so much emotion and energy? I think having passion in your life is a good thing, in the right doses. It's acceptable to get excited if "your team" wins and to follow their ups and downs with interest and to purchase a few items of clothing to show your loyalties. Tattoos -- not my style. Passion is good -- it keeps us connected with life and interested in what's happening outside our own heads and cubicles. If you care that a 6-5, 325-lb high school kid who is good at pushing other kids around a football field is signing with Clemson, fine by me. Now, if you take that passion and direct it with malice toward others, that's where I draw the line. Me railing about JJ Redick's push-offs that don't get called and his sly randy hand gestures is basically harmless. Me cursing at and verbally abusing Dook fans just because they are Dook fans -- I've gone too far.
Same goes for the cartoon situation in Europe, no? Can't Muslims passionately protect the sacred image of Mohammed without resorting to violence?
From the Shocker to Mohammed in one post. Strange.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Good vs. Evil, 2006: Round 1 (second half)
In the interest of disclosure, I knew a guy who played at Dook. Andy Berndt, who I played basketball with in high school, walked on at Dook his senior year and was on one of the teams that won a national title -- maybe 1990? I can't recall exactly. Anyway, nice guy, even if he was playing for Evil. Andy -- no offense, and thanks for the hospitality when I first moved to PDX.
Here we go. Oops -- Heels turn it over right off the bat.
Paulus airballs a 3. That was fugly -- maybe he ain't the future Redick.
Dook pushes it to 9 on back to back buckets by Redick. 4 turnovers for Tar Heels already. Roy calls a timeout cause he doesn't like what he sees. And neither do I!!
Impressive alley-oop dunk and then a 3 by McRoberts -- lead balloons to 14. Oy. Heels can't get anything going on offense.
UNC gets burned again on the double team of Williams -- Dook swings the ball to Dockery for a 3. Lead is 17. 6 turnovers for UNC on six second half possessions. Then finally a score after Roy pulls practically the whole team.
Bullshit goaltending call -- no way that was going to get up to the rim. And on the replay, they show that Sanders never even touched the ball!
Um, and who is this? Copeland is in, and I have no idea who this guy is. Mike Copeland? Freshman? Bench warmer? McRoberts goes out with four fouls, which is good. And this guy Copeland has a Shaq-like touch at the line.
Bench guys are still in -- they've cut the lead to 54-43 with about 14 minutes left. Roy is making a point here...but how long can he wait? Here they come to the scorer's table. Redick gets goddamn bailed out as he flails around.
8-0 run for the Heels -- improbable. And oh my god -- i just screamed bullshit outloud as Redick draws the most ridiculous charge i've ever seen. Noel dishes the ball and three steps later hits Redick, who flops like a pussy and gets the call.
Offensive rebounds by the handful for the Heels, who can't finish but are staying active.
Redick misfires again, Heels secondary break results in a foul on Williams as Hansbrough goes up for a dunk! It is getting very tense here, and I'm wondering if I should have worn this Carolina T-shirt. I also wore it when I saw the first game of the 2004-05 season, when Santa Clara upset UNC in Oakland.
TV timeout. Heels within 7, going to the line.
Terry charges with UNC having a chance to close to 3. Redick from about 27 feet, hits the 3. Then makes a steal and a layup. Lead back to 10. I hate Redick and all he stands for...but he's a gamer. And a little cheap ass who flops and gets every advantage he can.
Lead is now 6 after Ginyard makes a tip and then a steal and dunk. They just can't get over the hump -- too many turnovers. 8 minutes to go. Dook's bench has yet to score.
Terry for 3 on the secondary break!! Lead is 3 and Dook calls timeout as the Dome blows up. I'm so jealous that Ian is there! What is Redick shooting? He seems to be struggling a bit. Dook turn it over and we get the TV timeout at 7 minutes and change.
I'm so not gellin'
cause Redick is a felon
who has an ugly melon
and i wish he'd just go to hell..'n.
(inspired by Dr Scholls)
Redick is 9 of 18. UNC has 21 turnovers. Terry ties it on a three at 7:07! Isn't a blowout easier sometimes, even if it's a loss?
Noel for 3, gives them a 1 point lead at 64-63. Is this where I make the obligatory "that's no wine and cheese crowd, Sam Cassell" comment? Rebounding lead of something like 40-20 for Carolina -- time after time underneath they are getting second and third chances.
Quentin Thomas has redeemed himself. He is really running the team well right now. Miller's two FTs make it 68-64 with 5:34 to go. A 52-35 deficit really got turned around! 33-12 run!
Redick a huge 3 from the side. 2 pt game, 4:12 to go.
Miller on Redick, can he stay with him? No -- cheap foul call as Redick drives. Tie pending, 2 pt lead as we go under 4 minutes and Redick will be on the line. Jeez, I'm starting to write like Mike Patrick talks.
Gag me. Redick first said he wanted to go to Dook when he saw Laettner hit his miracle against Kentucky. Barf.
Another putback by Hansbrough. 43-22 rebounding edge for UNC. Redick dishes for a 3 by Dockery, 1 pt Dook lead!
Miller 2 FTs, Heels by 1. Ginyard in to play defense, Miller out. Good move by Roy...except a tick-tack foul call puts Williams on the line. Dook up 1, 2:30 to go. OK, I lied -- I'm GLAD I'm not at the game. I'd be a mess. I am a mess!
Fuck. Williams block, followed by a Redick 3. Followed by Dick Vitale performing TV fellatio on Redick. Dook by 4, under two minutes. Hansbrough battles inside, now shooting 2 FTs.
Montross shown on the sideline, doing radio work. Good omen? Nope -- missed FT. Missed another, and then a foul. Not time for that yet! Lead at 6, 1:34 to go. I don't care if the future is bright...yes, the class next year is amazing...but I still want to win today.
I'm writing in the first person, like I'm playing. How pathetic. Redick buries a 3, now has 35 points. I wish they'd call the pushoff...or someone would smack him in the face with a stadium cup as he runs down the court grinning.
I can't go on. 5 pt lead with 45 seconds left. It's almost worse to come back from 17, take the 4 pt lead, and then have the Dookies look like they might overcome. That's painful.
Lead is down to 3 thanks to a stupid play by Dockery. Now Redick throws it away. Dickie V. name drops Sam Cassell -- a bit late, Dick!
Holy shit. 33.1 seconds left, Frasor hits a runner in the lane. It's 84-83!! TO for the Heels. Last one for UNC.
Dook can try to run the clock down, but I see UNC fouling? Paulus gets trapped...yikes! Dook's final timeout. Wow -- what a great fight the Heels have put up. Now I'm writing like Dick Vitale talks.
AAAHHH! Redick turned it over but Dook grabs it in the scramble. Paulus at the line, hits 1. Hits 2. 3 pt lead. heels set up -- ugh. that is fucking horrible -- green drives baseline (??) and puts up a crappy 2 pt shot. Rebound Dook, game just about over.
Dook 87-83. Heels fight but they can't get the good possession at the end.
Did anyone notice that Redick is making the Shocker hand symbol as he hits threes? Isn't that a bit vulgar for someone so lionized in the media. I'll post the link when I find it for what the Shocker is.
Live blogging isn't too fun when your team loses.
Good vs. Evil, 2006: Round 1
Predictions: UNC 82, Dook 77
Game time approacheth. From here on out, I'll do minimal editing and little typo checking, etc.
5:59 p.m. -- Kentucky loses another one, which doesn't help the Heels RPI very much. That non-conference schedule doesn't look so good when both Wildcats (Kentucky and Arizona) are having off years.
It would be easier to focus on witty observations about the upcoming game if Lindsay Bean would stop screaming in the nursery. TIME FOR BED, LITTLE SWEETIE!!
6:05 p.m.: highlights of previous games, the usual suspects: Capel from half-court, Stackhouse's dunk, even Robert Brickey?? god, forgot about him. The crowd is getting fired up with House of Pain's Jump Around -- old school, baby. Reminds me of DC circa 1994.
6:07 p.m. Tip goes out of bounds, Dook ball. First TO! And then Terry for 3 off a screen! Dickie V calls him perhaps the most improved player in America. Up, OK. And then another TO as Paulus travels. Nice start.
6:09 p.m. Lots of early-game jitters. Many turnovers -- Paulus with 3 right off the bat. Redick flops to try to get a foul but no deal -- he does make the shot. And Vitale typically goes nuts. Replay: jeez, what a wussy effort by Redick. First of many shots of coach k working the officials for some more bogus calls. When will we first see darling Mickey?
Quentin Thomas in already. Interesting. Fast-paced game, but sloppy.
First timeout, the under 16 minute. Dook 9, UNC 5. Heels look a bit rattled, but Dook is struggling too. Redick just got Miller up in the air and jumps into him for the foul call -- typical. And Dickie V starts defending the Devils and the complaints about them going to the foul line so much. Well, there is a giant discrepancy, Dick!
6:15 p.m. Wide shot of the Dean Dome. It is a wonderful venue...but I've covered college hoops at both UNC and Dook, and Cameron Indoor Stadium is a crazy, special place to watch a game. Even when the students are spilling spittle and coke down your back in press row.
Bad turnover leads to Redick layup. And then another turnover -- 5 so far. One of UNC's major problems this year. Fortunately, Redick misses a wide open 3. Jackie Manuel, looking very studious in spectacles, is shown in the crowd. I guess the Turkish basketball season hasn't started yet (sorry).
Terry with a dunk off a broken play, and then a charge on Nelson -- 2 fouls on him. 13-7 Evil is ahead.
Terry looks the most composed so far, I'd say. He makes a nice drive and draws a foul on Paulus.
Why does Lee Melchionni suck so bad this year? And all this crap about how good Dook is -- they only play 7 guys; where is the depth brought by superior recruiting?
6:20 p.m. 17-11, 12:20 to go. Not settled down yet.
Second TV timeout. Same score. I didn't always hate Dook; heck, I even visited there and considered applying when I was in high school. I was from NJ -- it was part of the state charter, I think. I ended up getting into Carolina, and being there really hones your hatred of the school in Durham. I think it peaked for me my junior year, when I was in charge of the annual spoof issue of the Dook "Comical" -- we ended up writing some very tasteless stuff about Christian Laettner and Quin "Queen" Snyder and there close friendship, if you get my drift. No? Well, it involved references to vaseline and such. Not a very proud moment for me, but it was in the heat of the moment, and during the recklessness of youth.
Dook goes up 10. Ugh. Felton and May are in the stands, and it would be nice if they were on the floor instead.
Dickie V. compliments Shelden Williams on his versatility in the low post...right after the Vulcan misses a baby hook. Huh?
6:27 p.m. Byron Sanders through a back door pass for a layup! Maybe it is our night!
Redick resting as Dook is up 9.
Williams lumbers downcourt after a steal and fumbles it out of bounds; no call, and espn shows Chris Collins laughing on the bench. Oh, poor babies.
Paulus is eating up QT. Fuck -- stay in front of the ball. And then he missed a layup!! And then forces a jumper on a 3-on-2. Get him out!!
Next TV time out. Dook up 8...and Wes Miller just picked up his second foul on a total bullshit call where Redick pushed off. Make up time!!
Dook clearly has a pipeline into the Annoying White Guys Factory -- Ferry, Laettner, Hurly, Wojo, Chris Collins, Redick, Paulus, Melchionni, Snyder. Who am I missing? Where do they find these guys?
Dickie V. apologizes for the crappy officials who got suspended over the FSU game. Spare me. It was a judgement call, yes...and they blew it.
Hansbrough is channeling Eric Montross -- he's fired up and fighting inside. A blood trickle down his face and it would be perfect. Heels within 4.
19 turnovers already between the teams.
6:38 p.m. Woo!! Miller 3 after a huge block on the defensive end -- Heels cut it to 1 and the place goes nuts. Timeout Dook.
I'm still writing this like I'm on deadline -- very choppy, no? No thought or insight to it. Oh well.
On the positive side, it's kinda distracting, so I'm less stressed.
Redick misses back to back 3, then Frasor rushes a 3 of his own. No rhythm to this game at all.
Final TO. Dook 28, UNC 25.
I'm not a total jackass -- I did just check on Lindsay, and she is sleeping peacefully.
Does having a laptop actually on your lap create fertility problems?
Another three by Dockery. Not expecting that guy to beat us. The Heels are hanging tough...will it be enough? Do they have enough scoring to stay in it?
Another nice look by Sanders -- holy shit! He's a point forward! We are not utilizing him correctly!! ha
7:52 p.m. Dook by 5, at the foul line. Under a minute left. Dickie V. steps on his soap box, delivering coach K's bullshit about why they get to the line so much. A shocking development!
5 seconds left, Dook inbounds after Redick fucks up a drive. Need a stop! Great defense, leaves coach K shaking his rat head in dismay with one of those "I can't believe this is being called fairly" smiles. Dook up 40-35 at the break.
More later...no really
Wait, I did just write something snide. Oh well, there goes that high road!
Zen moment: Do The Next Right Thing. Which would be...of course...live-blogging the UNC-Dook game tonight. I used to cover college and pro basketball for a semi-living, so this will be a trip down nostalgia lane. However, I suppose I'll have to get a bit more creative than "42 10' J LS" (back in the day, this was code for "Scott Williams hitting a 10-foot jumper from the left side"). Hey, I was writing for UPI -- wire service style calls for the hero lead (example: "Rick Fox scored 25 points and King Rice added 14 points and 10 assists as the North Carolina Tar Heels handled Clemson 84-68 Thursday night in Chapel Hill") and just the facts.
So, more later, around 6 p.m. Pacific -- if my DSL line will reach into the living room.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Release the hype
Excerpted on SI.com for your pleasure.
Looks good, and now that I read the reviews, I recall reading some other stuff by Blythe on his hatred of Dook. But I can't remember specifics.
[Update, one day later -- my good friend and former DTH colleague Dave Glenn has also made note of Blythe's book, and turns out he is featured in the book in some small way. If it has Dave Glenn's stamp of approval, that speaks volumes for me.]
More later.
Another interesting thing: the spread of the word truthiness. It means "wishing to be true, rather than facts." Okay.
It's not true that a housing deed will appear in my hands tomorrow, or that my debts will disappear, or that the Tar Heels will absolutely smoke Dook. But there's much truthiness in those statements!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Culinary milestones
#1: Spoon to mouth

Yogurt and apple sauce from bowl to mouth, self delivered!
#2: eating an almond butter and jelly sandwich, just like a "big kid" (photo to be added later; I have not uploaded it yet and I'm feeling lazy)
The week's culinary lowlights include multiple throwings-up by our little Bean, who seems to be fighting a stomach virus. She -- and we -- slept right through one on Tuesday night; I think her crib resembled the Exorcist in the morning, if Linda Blair had consumed black beans and corn. Wednesday evening she really got going, and she has been not herself ever since. Mixed feelings -- she was never a cuddly, fall-asleep-on-your-shoulder kind of baby, so it's sort of nice that her sick little self now dozes with Mommy or Daddy. But it is so hard to see them sick. Aww!
Photos of better days: Lindsay and Miss Ella at the park a few weeks back (the girls start sharing a room this weekend!).
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
From: Eric J. Gribbin
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:50 PM
To: Bill Taggart
Subject: ### as i knew would happen...
james frey is a giant whopper of an oxymoron. i wonder what he does all day? does he stay inside his house staring out the window and then write journal entries about all of the hair-raising, self-destructive things he did(n't do) all day?
From: Bill Taggart
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:45 PM
To: Eric J. Gribbin
Subject: RE: ### as i knew would happen...
Check this out:
My favorite quote:
"A Million Little Pieces" is "a subjective truth, altered by the mind of a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. Ultimately, it's a story, and one I could not have written without having lived the life I've lived."
What the f*** is subjective truth? Isn't that a giant whopper of an oxymoron?
From: Eric J. Gribbin
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:42 PM
To: Bill Taggart
Subject: RE: ### as i knew would happen...Importance: Low
i'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such an unapologetic a-hole.
i think he got his name right. other than that, it's hard to say.
i keep waiting to find out that he's never actually taken a drink or drug in his life.
From: Bill Taggart
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:38 PM
To: Eric J. Gribbin
Subject: RE: ### as i knew would happen...
I almost feel bad for that guy now...almost. What IS true that he wrote about?
From: Eric J. Gribbin
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 1:30 PM
To: Bill Taggart
Subject: ### as i knew would happen...Importance: Low
Dodging bullets
I do know that my garage experiments to create a human-animal hybrid (a cat + a toddler = a self-cleaning rugrat) are now screwed. How did this ever get on the president's radar, dammit!
Mainly, I'm irked that this adminstration is only getting a fraction of the heat it deserves for totally fucking up our budget, our international reputation, our environment, our civil liberties, etc. Where are the special counsels, the Capitol Hill hearings, the outrage?
I can't say it better than this (lifted from the Washington Post):
Tim Grieve lets loose in Salon: "Again and again Tuesday night, the president said words aimed at obscuring hard truths and hiding the harsh reality that his administration has visited upon the American people. Bush talked about the importance of education for young people, ignoring the fact that his administration proposed the first cut in overall federal education spending in a decade. He talked of fiscal restraint and the need to be a good 'steward' of taxpayers' money, ignoring the fact that government spending has exploded on his watch and that he hasn't once exercised his veto to stop it. He talked of the need to wean the nation from its 'addiction' to foreign oil, ignoring the fact that that addiction had deepened as his administration resisted strict fuel-economy standards, proposed cuts in alternative energy programs and dismissed conservation as little more than 'a sign of personal virtue.'
"Bush said that all elected officials must 'never forget, never dismiss and never betray' their pledge to be 'worthy of public responsibility,' neglecting to mention that his administration lied to the American public about the Valerie Plame case and is stonewalling both Congress and the press on the Jack Abramoff scandal."